Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Why You Need a Family Lawyer For Child Custody

family lawyer child custody

Having a family lawyer for child custody is a great way to protect yourself and your child. You need someone who knows the law, can explain it to you, and can work with you to get a favorable result. A Delaware County family lawyer can also help you with visitation schedules.

Joint custody

Having joint custody of your child is a very popular and favored arrangement in the world of family law. When two parents share legal and physical custody of their child, they are jointly responsible for the child’s well-being. In addition, both parents have an equal say in making major decisions about their child.

Joint custody is also known as a “nesting arrangement” because it allows the child to live in their family home. A family lawyer can help you make the most of your joint custody.

Joint custody is not always equal. There are times when one parent receives primary custody of the child, and the other receives regular visitation. This can help the child maintain a normal routine. It can also reduce competition between the parents.

Typically, parents with joint custody share legal and physical custody, which means the child lives with one parent most of the time, and the other parent receives regular visitation. This may involve the child spending a week with one parent, and three nights with the other.

In some cases, the child lives with one parent on the weekends, and the other parent lives with the child during the week. The child may also have alternating weeks with one parent, and alternating months with the other parent.

While joint legal and physical custody can be rewarding, it can also be a very stressful situation. Oftentimes, the parents are not on the same page, and legal fights can lead to stress, money, and misunderstandings. A family lawyer can help you navigate the legal maze.

Joint legal custody involves making major decisions about your child, including health care, education, and religious activities. It can be difficult for one parent to participate in these decisions, but the courts are generally willing to accommodate this.

There are many factors to consider when choosing a custody arrangement. It’s important to consult a family lawyer before making any major decisions. While joint legal and physical custody can be beneficial, it can also lead to bitter post-divorce battles. It’s important to make a decision that is in the best interest of your child.

Visitation schedules

During a divorce, you can use child visitation schedules to make sure that your child has time to see both parents. The schedule will allow your child to develop a relationship with both parents. You can get help planning a visitation schedule with a family law attorney.

The typical visitation schedule will have your child spend two days with the non-custodial parent and one day with the custodial parent. This could include overnight visits and even school breaks. It is important to choose a schedule that will work best for your family.

Another common schedule is one that has the child spend three days with one parent and two days with the other parent. This type of schedule allows for roughly equal parenting time. It is a good choice for parents who live close to each other.

You can use a virtual visitation service to make it easy to set a schedule that works for your family. You can use the app to drag color-coded calendars to create a custom parenting plan.

You can also choose a schedule that gives the non-custodial parent more visitation time during the summer months and school breaks. This type of schedule is similar to the 4-3 schedule, except your child spends longer periods of time with the other parent.

You can also opt to have a court-ordered visitation schedule. This type of schedule is a flexible option that can be changed as your child grows older.

A typical visitation schedule might have your child spending a weekend with the non-custodial parent every third weekend. This would be followed by a day with the custodial parent on Monday. The other parent might also have an overnight visit on Friday and Saturday.

You can also choose to have a schedule that alternates between the non-custodial parent and the custodial parent. This type of schedule is great if you work traditional hours.

When planning a schedule, you will need to determine the dates that your child will be picked up and dropped off. You will also need to decide on locations.

New York City courts

Getting custody of your children can be a stressful experience. When the two parents are unable to agree on a custody plan, a family lawyer is necessary to protect the child’s best interests. In New York, courts are tasked with evaluating each case individually.

The court will consider a number of factors in deciding whether to award custody. These factors include the best interests of the child, as well as the child’s current care situation.

The court may award sole custody or joint custody. In joint custody, the parents share the responsibility of making major decisions regarding the child’s upbringing. Depending on the family, this may include joint decision making on education and health care. In a joint custody arrangement, the parents must communicate and keep each other informed.

The most important factor in a physical custody decision is the best interest of the child. The court may also take into account the parents’ behavior in court.

The court may also decide to award custody to a third party. This may include a child’s grandparents or even a sibling.

If one parent is moving to New York, the court may consider this to make a custody determination. The court may also decide to modify a child custody order if one parent relocates.

The court may also make an order regarding child support. This is based on each parent’s ability to provide for the child.

The court may also order genetic testing. This is typically required in contested divorce cases in New York.

The court may also limit the amount of time that the other parent can spend with the child. This is the court’s way of ensuring stability in the child’s custody arrangements. The court may also use an Electronic Document Delivery System (EDD) to send documents to parties that may not be represented in the court.

The court may also issue a warrant for arrest. This is in the event that the other parent will not pay child support.

The court may also consider a number of factors in deciding on a child’s “best interest.” These factors include the child’s age, the parent’s relationship with the child, the child’s current care situation, and the wishes of a 12-year-old child as compared to an 8-year-old child.

Delaware County child custody attorney

Whether your child custody case is contested or uncontested, it’s important to have an attorney guide you through the legal process. The court will make a custody decision in your child’s best interests. If you need assistance, the Delaware County Bar Association can put you in touch with attorneys.

Custody matters are often the most emotional and difficult aspect of a divorce. This is because the court must decide on who will care for the children and what arrangements are in place for the children’s financial support. An attorney can assist you in the legal process and help you to achieve your custody goals.

In the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas, a child custody attorney can help you file a complaint to modify the Custody Order of Court. The court will then assign your case to a Conference Officer. This will help to expedite the process.

At the Initial Conference, both parties’ attorneys will be present. At this stage, the child is rarely present. However, you may have the opportunity to have your child testify for you or speak to the Master of the Court.

If you need help in a child custody case, contact the Malarick Law Firm today. They offer a free initial consultation. They represent clients in Delaware County and Pennsylvania. Whether your case is contested or uncontested, you can trust their experience and skill to make the process as smooth as possible.

After the initial conference, the case will move to the Extended Hearing. This is more formal than the Initial Conference and may include testimony from the parties’ attorneys or other witnesses. It is also at this stage that the Master of the Court makes the decision. If the parties disagree with the decision, the matter will move to the Master’s Hearing.

If the parties agree to a proposed modified custody order, an expedited hearing will be held. This hearing will address the proposed relocation of the children.

After the Master’s Hearing, the matter can either be re-listed, or it can be appealed. The parties can either file exceptions within 20 days of the hearing officer’s recommendation. If the matter is not appealed within that time, the Hearing Officer’s recommendation will be the final order of the court.

source https://familylawyerfinder.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/why-you-need-a-family-lawyer-for-child-custody/

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